Connecting the Dots: Evaluating the Impact of Graphic Medicine to Empower Patient-Centered Technology Use

By | August 14, 2019

Nichols, J.W., Johnson, T., Lee, W.W., Czerwiec, M.K., Arora, V., & Alkureishi, M.L. (2019). Connecting the dots: evaluating the impact of graphic medicine to empower patient-centered technology use, Pediatrics 144(2). Retrieved from


Electronic health record (EHR) use impacts patient-centered communication. Therefore, how providers use EHR during clinical interactions is key. Unfortunately, providers receive little training specific to EHR-related behaviors, and no studies have assessed how advocacy interventions can increase patient EHR engagement. Given that graphic medicine has been effective in health education, our study aims to evaluate the impact of graphic medicine comics in promoting patient-centered EHR use and patient engagement during outpatient visits.