
The Graphic Medicine Bulletin (also known as the GM Bulletin or GMB for short) is intended as a free resource for the latest listings in Graphic Medicine scholarship. Citations are offered in either the format requested by the resources itself or in suitable APA format; moreover, the abstract, when provided, is also shared.

GMB cannot guarantee access to the listed resource in all cases. Please consult one’s local librarian or professional organization when a login is required for the resource.

Working in conjunction with GraphicMedicine.org, GMB is not intended either to replace or duplicate their efforts. Instead, it is meant to supplement interest and to focus on the latest scholarly publications (not necessarily creative work, interviews, etc.).

While GMB operates under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, plagiarism is considered an offense, and all parties are expected to notate that their material originated with the Graphic Medicine Bulletin whenever applicable. GMB makes no claim to any of the works or resources being listed on the site.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.