Mental Health, Comics, the Grad Student!

By | March 15, 2020

Kumar, K. S. (2020, March 15). Mental health, comics, the grad student! GradHacker. Retrieved from


A couple of weeks back on Twitter, I tweeted about my mental health diagnosis and how I am currently pursuing a English Ph.D. on comics as a method to process trauma and negotiate marginalization. This tweet got hundreds of likes and caught me by utter surprise, because until recently, the only people following my academic rants on Twitter were my dissertation adviser and maybe three people from my grad school. Admittedly, this tweet was a part of a larger viral post about normalizing mental illness in academia, but I also happened to mention in this tweet I am writing my doctoral dissertation on trauma as a graphic memoir. The academic Twitterati were curious — a dissertation in the form of a comic? Wow, they said. Show us, they said.