Our Global Guild: Responding to Sathyaraj Venkatesan’s “On Health Humanities and Graphic Medicine”

By | December 22, 2020

Lewis, A. D. (2020). Our global guild: Responding to Sathyaraj Venkatesan’s “On health humanities and graphic Medicine”. The Golden Line: A Magazine of English Literature. Retrieved from http://goldenline.bhattercollege.ac.in/v3n103b/


Graphic Medicine, the intersection between comic books and medicine/healthcare, is growing worldwide, especially in India. Among its pioneers there is Sathyaraj Venkatesan, whose approach and utilization of Graphic Medicine may come with a cultural bent. Maintaining an appreciation for cultural specificity in each Graphic Medicine community worldwide will aid, in this Blue Age of Comic Books (Resha 2020), to maintain local Identity while contributing to a transnational guild of creators, scholars, practitioners, educators, librarians, students, patients, and their families.