Monthly Archives: October 2021

What Can Medical Education Learn from Comics?

Bradley, S, Mclean, R, Brewster, L. (2021). What can medical education learn from comics? Clin Teach.1– 4. ABSTRACT: Graphic medicine is the use of comics to communicate illness experiences. Recognition of its usefulness in medical education is growing, particularly in the United States, but explorations of how students engage with comics within medical curricula are lacking. Here, we report on… Read More »

The Many Fictions of Illness: A Rhetorical Approach to Understanding Fictionality in Mom’s Cancer

Ferraro A. J. (2021). The Many Fictions of Illness: A Rhetorical Approach to Understanding Fictionality in Mom’s Cancer. Literature and medicine, 39(2), 227–248. ABSTRACT: Recent studies of fictionality within narrative theory have emphasized the permeability between global fictions and nonfictions. That is, global nonfictions often deploy elements of local fictionality without compromising their global commitments. This paper… Read More »