Of Comics and Bipolar Disorder: A Conversation with Rachel Lindsay

By | April 2, 2020

Venkatesan, S., & Saji, S. (2020). Of comics and bipolar disorder: a conversation with Rachel Lindsay. World Literature Today. Retrieved from https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/2020/spring/comics-and-bipolar-disorder-conversation-rachel-lindsay-sathyaraj-venkatesan-sweetha


Rachel Lindsay is a cartoonist based in Vermont and the author of a graphic memoir, RX, that was published in 2018 by Grand Central Publishing. RX explores the powerful interplay of word and image that resists biomedical prescriptivism and espouses the political potential of sharing subjective experiences of living with bipolar disorder through comics. Her comic strip “Rachel Lives Here Now” appears weekly in Seven Days, an alternative newspaper in Vermont.