Of Faith and Medicine: When Comic Book Muslims Go to the Hospital

By | April 8, 2020

Lewis, A. D. (2020). Of faith and medicine: when comic book Muslims go to the hospital, Mizan Pop. Retrieved from https://mizanproject.org/pop-post/of-faith-and-medicine/


A curious thing happens with Muslim characters in comics when they enter a hospital: they become somehow more Muslim. It is like a superpower, yet it occurs both in the superhero genre and beyond. That is, when a Jewish character enters a hospital in these works, their faith may or may not be mentioned; when a Christian character enters an E.R. or I.C.U. or Radiology Department, their particular religious affiliation usually goes unmarked. So, while the representation or depiction of Muslims is nicely on the rise in comics all across the U.S. market, it takes a curious turn when it comes to medical matters of life and death: it becomes a vital sign.

From Infidel, art by Aaron Campbell