Using Medical Comics to Explore Challenging Everyday Topics in Medicine: Lessons Learned From Teaching Medical Humanities

By | May 27, 2020

Masel, E.K., Adamidis, F., Kitta, A., Gruebl, A. Unseld, M., Pavelka, P., Hans Watzke, H.2, Zlabinger, G., & Praschinger, A. (2020). Using medical comics to explore challenging everyday topics in medicine: lessons learned from teaching medical humanities. Ann Palliat Med. apm-20-261. doi:10.21037/apm-20-261


Studying medicine requires an extensive acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes. At the MedUni Vienna, this wide range of skills is strengthened by discussing aspects of medical humanities (MH) with medical students in their pre-clinical fifth study year. Medical comics (MCs), as a part of MH, offer the possibility to address challenging situations within medical settings through the use of graphic illustrations. Thus, patient stories as well as different perspectives of patients, caregivers, and medical staff can be addressed.