Twelve Years of Graphic Medicine: A Conversation with Comic Nurse on the Future of Comics and Medicine

By | January 1, 2021

Kasthuri, R. R., & Peter, A. M. (2021). Twelve years of graphic medicine: a conversation with comic nurse on the future of comics and medicine. Configurations 29(1): 97-106. Retrieved from


Illness narratives in the comics medium gained renewed attention when graphic medicine emerged in 2007 as an interdisciplinary approach towards rethinking the affective contours of experiences related to illness, disability, and healthcare. Followed by a decade of scholarly and artistic endeavors, graphic medicine has now secured global recognition as a movement and a practice. As graphic medicine has completed a decade and enters its second, this conversation with M. K. Czerwiec, the co-founder of graphic medicine, is a significant addition to the existing knowledge on the unique corpus of comics and healthcare.